Monday, December 21, 2015

Social Bookmarking Questions

  1. You can set up email notifications on your different devices, or set up a cloud account to save your information online.
  2. I found out information about the bowl games faster than I could by looking it up, and a lot of gun control laws I didn't know existed.
  3. Clipclip, Freelink, Kaboodle, and Whitelinks are just a few of the other bookmarking sites on the internet. Also, Google and Yahoo also fall under the category of social bookmarking sites.
  4. I will use social bookmarking, but just for a few reasons such as sports and video games.

Monday, December 7, 2015

RSS Discussion Questions

  1. I decided to choose the sites I subscribed to because they were not only fairly popular, but because they were the first ones to come to my mind when I saw the categories.
  2. Because they were bigger sites and pages, their RSS feeds were fairly easy to find and subscribe to.
  3. Monstercat and sWooZie are my favorites, as those two channels are my most visited on the internet.
  4. You can use RSS feeds to get the latest information on your favorite subjects, do work projects, and even use it for business.
  5. Depending on what I am studying in college and major in, my use of RSS feeds will depend greatly. However, I don't believe that I will be using them as often as I plan to.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Tech Article 12/4

Raspberry Pi Zero: The $5 Computer

  • Raspberry Pi Foundation released latest tiny single board computer.
  • Very basic; equivalent to a home PC of early 2000's.
  • Just a board with ports for USB and HDMI.
  • Have been used to make retro game console emulators, custom alarm clocks, dedicated media servers, etc.
  • If you subscribe to their magazine "The MagPi," you get a free Raspberry Pi Zero with the latest issue.